MACAROON - translation to arabic
Online Dictionary

MACAROON - translation to arabic

Macaroons; Coconut macaroon; Macaroon Chocolate Bar; Macaroon Bar; Macaroon Chocolate; Maceroon; Scottish macaroon
  • US commercially made coconut macaroon, with US quarter for size reference.
  • [[Philippine]] coconut macaroons
  • Coconut macaroons



معكرون نوع حلوي

اسْم : المَعكرون . نوع من الحلوى
حلوى مصنوعة من دقيق اللوز وبياض البيض والسكر


¦ noun a light biscuit made with egg white, sugar, and ground almonds or coconut.
C16: from Fr. macaron, from Ital. maccarone (see macaroni).



A macaroon ( MAK-ə-ROON) is a small cake or biscuit, typically made from ground almonds (the original main ingredient), coconut or other nuts (or even potato), with sugar and sometimes flavourings (e.g. honey, vanilla, spices), food colouring, glacé cherries, jam or a chocolate coating; or a combination of these or other ingredients. Some recipes use sweetened condensed milk. Macaroons are sometimes baked on edible rice paper placed on a baking tray.

Pronunciation examples for MACAROON
1. So it's a macaroon.
Baking Chez Moi _ Dorie Greenspan _ Talks at Google
2. everybody make macaroon.
Baking Chez Moi _ Dorie Greenspan _ Talks at Google
3. I would try making macaroon.
Baking Chez Moi _ Dorie Greenspan _ Talks at Google
4. Or you would get macaroon.
Baking Chez Moi _ Dorie Greenspan _ Talks at Google
5. like that coconut macaroon there,
Enjoy _ Virginia Morrison & Marty Mendiola _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of MACAROON
1. No more phone calls while I waited for macaroon tops to brown?
2. She nearly swooned at his macaroon and he said, "If you treat me right, You‘ll have hot rolls every morning and crumpets every night." He knew once she sampled his layer cake he‘d have his wicked way, And all Ernie had to offer was a pint of milk a day.